Reduce Inflammation with Light Therapy

Watch this brief introduction.

I taught Kelly how to reduce inflammation using her home light therapy devices. She had been suffering in pain for over 10 years from Osteoarthritis.

Listen to her healing story, it still inspires me to this day! After just 7 days of Reduce Inflammation with Light Therapy she was pain free. Kelly was an amazing student, she followed the treatment plan and had massive results, you can to!

About The Course

In just 3 weeks you will master a treatment that has taken me 10 years to develop. You will reduce inflammation, pain, belly bloat, clear up your skin, increase energy, finally be able to sleep through the night and most important get your life back! You will learn the exact light therapy treatment I have been doing in clinic and teaching clients how to do at home since 2012. It is the small action steps you take every day that will help you age forward feeling better than you ever have.

Hi, I'm Wendy

Certified Master Massage Therapist (1991) Certified Laser Therapist for Pain Management and Inflammation (2012)

Reduce Inflammation with Light Therapy is an accumulation of my knowledge from 30 years as a massage therapist, over 10 years as a Certified Laser Therapist for pain management. Goal of the course is to fast track you to optimum

health, wellness, energy & happiness. First week using light therapy: I still remember waking up on the 6th day of my treatments feeling better than I had felt in over 15 years. The light therapy completely transformed the way I looked at reducing inflammation and helping clients just like you.

What's In The Course

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Kelly suffered for over 10 years in debilitating pain from Osteoarthritis. After only 1 week of doing the Heal with Light Therapy program in the comfort of her own home she was pain free and off all medication. Listen to her inspiring story below.

Life was hell on earth for Kelly before she started the Heal with Light Therapy Program

Hear What Vernon has to say about his transformation and working with Wendy in clinic 2015 & his guided at home treatment 2020 using the Heal with Light Therapy course.

Wanted to share my experience of my back issues that started in June 2015….After 9 days of laying on my floor in the living room, my business partner and friend decided to lay me down in the back of their SUV and drove me to Edmonton (4.5 hour drive) to meet this Wendy person for some kind of K4 laser light therapy.

the first session of K4 Light therapy went good and the light felt good on my body. After the session I was able to sit for about 15 minutes then had to lay down. Sunday I went for round 3. After this session I was able to stand and sit longer periods. I decided to purchase the home light pod. Best purchase I ever made. Wendy set me up on an intense schedule that I followed 100%. Wendy also put me on a diet of foods that were high on Antioxidant.

Fast Forward to Halloween Day 2020: Went to get up out of my chair and felt something in my back. It kept getting worse. By morning i couldn't sit or stand. I went to Hospital. I tore the same disc muscle. This was a result of overcompensating for my bad Hip. All that stress i was putting on my muscles...the muscle snapped.

 I txt Wendy and she set me up on a 3 day schedule for my home laser light unit. After 3 days i was starting to become more mobile but being careful not to bend forward, lift anything or walk too fast. After 3 days I was on a 7 day schedule. Then another 5 days. Today within less than 14 days I am at 95% recovered.

I just wanted to end my low back pain but the bonus of going down 3 pant sizes in just 17 days was nice!

I am in my 70's and have struggled with low back pain all my life. I had no idea the real problem was inflammation in my abdominal area. I did the Heal with Light Therapy in the comfort of home and dropped 3 pant sizes in just 17 days. I was just hoping to eliminate my back pain but got this as a extra bonus. It makes sense to me now that so much inflammation in a area can cause a lot of problems